Sunday, June 15, 2008

Haircuts & Scissors

Ellie has recently taken a big interest in haircuts and scissors. So far, I haven't taken her anywhere, because I would like it to be long and all it has required is a little trimming on the ends. But as I wrote about in a recent post, I take Luke to get his haircut, so Ellie has now seen what a "real" haircut is. As for the scissors, I'm not sure if she used them this year at preschool or not, but that isn't something we've ever done at home. I have thought a few times that she's probably ready for a child's pair (supervised, of course). Anyway, the other day I got out of the shower and things were very quiet. Luke was napping, and I really don't worry about Ellie anymore if things are quiet. But I went to check on her and she had found the haircutting scissors (extremely sharp) and had cut some paper into lots of little pieces. I gave her the schpill about not ever using those scissors and we would get her some of her own soon. So then this morning I was getting ready for church and heard her giving Luke instructions to sit in the chair so she could cut his hair(she only had pretend scissors). Then she instructed him to give her a haircut. I snuck in and took a few pictures. All that to say, I'm anticipating the dreaded moment when you realize your child has cut a huge chunk out of their hair (probably right in the front). I just feel it coming. I am trying to avoid that, but the signs are all there. Of course, I will let you know if that happens and pictures would definitely be included.

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