Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tonight's Dinner Struggle

You would think I was making Andrew eat brussel sprouts.  It was homeade macaroni 'n' cheese.  But he prefers it out of the box.  And Andrew refused to eat the real stuff.

Last time I posted, I said that summer was on its way.  Well, it is now here.  We have gotten a lot of use out of our pool over the last week or so.  I am trudging through these last few weeks of pregnancy in the 98 degree heat.  Some nights I am so tired, I really don't think I can go one more day.  But then the next day comes and there are three children that are up (usually before me) that still have needs to be met.  Funny how that happens :)

On Monday we were able to have a 4D ultrasound and see Abigail's little face.  It was the first time we have been able to do that and it was pretty amazing.  She looks very familiar.  Like one of my babies.  Can't wait to see her in person.  Also, she measured fairly small.  Only about 5 lbs. 7 oz.  So, hopefully she will pop right out-no problem!

I have been nesting like crazy.  Tonight mom and dad helped me get the crib set up while Steven took the kids to a baseball game.  It always feels like I am officially ready when I tie the bumper pad to the crib.  Hope to be back before her arrival.  Still really want to show some of my completed projects and Abigail's crib all set up in the corner of Ellie's room.


Susan said...

Ann! I had an ultrasound yesterday and my little one is measuring 5lbs 5oz and I am only 31 weeks! Oh dear!!

Esther Bratton said...

Ben and I just watched the videos: Awesome! We were laughing so hard and I love how Ellie is trying to explain it to him in the second video. And Abigail! So sweet! I think she kinda favors Andrew. Hope y'all are keeping cool in this heat!

joy said...

HILARIOUS~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!love love love it. it sounds like dinner at our house minues Ellie's precious coaching!!