Friday, January 21, 2011

Big Boy Bed a Little Early

Last night Steven had to go to the church for a meeting.  He left the house at about 7:15.  At about 7:30, I was sitting on our bed with Ellie reading an American Girl book to her.  Andrew and Luke were upstairs playing.  She said she didn't feel so well.  Shortly after she said, "Grab the trash can-Quick!!"  (This is the first time any of my children have said that before they were about to throw up-Soooo wonderful!)  She lost her dinner without too much of a mess.  But I could tell she still didn't feel well.  

You know how when one of your children gets sick, immediately you think, "Okay, who is next?  Is it something she ate, or is it a virus?  How are we going to get through this night?  When will the next throw up be and how can I make sure there is little laundry as possible?  And in this case, how am I going to get Andrew and Luke to bed while Ellie is in here throwing up?  

I got Ellie situated on my bed and went to finish getting Andrew and Luke ready for bed.  I came back through a few minutes later (with Andrew on my heels, yelling "Eyie") and she had fallen asleep, so I knew she really wasn't feeling good.  I had to think fast to come up with the best way to convince Luke he would be okay in his room by himself without Ellie.  --The bunk beds that used to be in Luke's room are split now and they are just twin beds, and Ellie sleeps in one of them every night without fail.--  Anyway, I thought, maybe, just maybe Andrew would go to sleep in the other twin bed.  Luke wouldn't be scared (because he would have a brave, not even two year old in there to keep him safe:) and Andrew would think he was big stuff, I was sure.  On my way up the stairs with Andrew and Luke in tow, I heard the dreaded sound.  And this time, Ellie didn't call out for a trash can.  It was all over every cover and the pillow too.  Sigh.  Sent Andrew and Luke up, got Ellie washed off and situated on the couch with towels EVERYWHERE.  Then went back upstairs, tucked Luke in his bed, Andrew in the other twin bed, with a guard rail, and that was pretty much it.  I had to go back upstairs once when he threw out his paci, which he called for me to get instead of getting out to get himself. I took it as a good sign that he knew he was not to get out of the bed.  And then I really didn't hear from him again. 

First night in a big boy bed, and it was not planned at all.  Now the problem is that he is not going to want to go back to his crib.  And we really don't want to put him back in there if he does so well in his own bed.  So, actually, the problem is where to put Ellie.  Although, she would be fine sleeping in our bed the rest of her life.  She actually said that today and was dead serious.  So tonight we are going to attempt to re-bunk the beds.  And move Andrew's crib in the same room and take the side off.  All three in one room.  When I was little, I have fond memories of sleeping in a twin bed with Laura Beth in another twin bed, and Sarah on another wall in her crib.  And I think we did that for awhile.

I called Steven earlier and told him to prepare for a moving furniture night.  And if you're wondering about sick Ellie-she is fine.  She woke up good to go.  No one else has gotten sick.  She has said several times, "I don't know mom, I guess it was just something I ate."  Guess so.  Although we all ate the same thing for dinner last night. 

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