Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shopping Trip Woes

WARNING: Long post and ranting about various mom things. Might only be interesting to family or possibly other moms at the same stage I am at.

Being a mother is exhausting no doubt. It is very often physical exhaustion, sometimes mental, other times emotional and spiritual. Usually it is a little of them all. Going to the store with all three is about all I can handle mentally. Are you hearing me?? I feel as though I am trying to run in water. Ellie sees something princess, Luke sees something Toy Story (thanks to Toy Story 3 coming out in a few weeks). Those marketing people know exactly what they are doing. Ellie and Luke have pretty much learned they are not getting anything, but they feel the need to exclaim to me, "Mom, look!!!!" over every. single. item they see that even remotely resembles something fun.

I am walking fast thinking, "please, just look straight ahead-not to the right or left", but of course they do not miss a thing. And bless his heart, Luke tugs at my arm to come see as if we have been searching the world over for this particular Lighting McQueen figurine and have finally, finally discovered where it has been hiding. Ellie just wants to "look", at the princess shirts. And I am thankful that "just looking" is a fun treat too, as it has taken awhile to get to that place. But ya'll, I really feel like it is dragging heavy weights on both ankles to get in and out and get the things that I need. There is also the actual, physical dragging on the buggy (I will show my Southern-ness and call it what we call it here in the South). For those of you Southerners who are thinking "what else would you call it?" (because that is what I thought when I was first made fun of)-outside of the Southern bubble it is called a cart. When we lived in Albuquerque, my friend Meg always gave me a hard time about that. Anyway, back to my rant, Ellie and Luke have the hardest time keeping their hands off (and feet and entire bodies for that matter) while I am trying to push. And then when we finally reach the end of the trip, Andrew has had enough of sitting and would prefer to be held. So I hold him and empty the items onto the checkout with one hand, while holding the baby on one hip, while trying to keep from running over Ellie and Luke who are crouching on the ground examining all the toys and candy on the bottom shelves. It is at that point that the physical exhaustion really begins to kick in.

We aren't even to the car yet and questions kick in...mainly one question. "Do we have to take a nap?" And then the mental exhaustion really starts to come as I have to answer lots of questions on the way home, and say things like, "Yes, Luke, I saw the green truck that was the same color as Chick Hicks." (even though I really didn't) Because if I say that I didn't see it, he will try to get me to see where it was even though we have long since passed it. Or he will ask about some random building, "Mama, why do we never go there?" And then I answer(again, not even sure exactly what building he is referring to) "Because we just don't need to." Do you have these kinds of conversations?

Oh, the trip to the store. Sorry if I sound really negative about it, but basically, I just got home and got them all three in bed (woohoo!)and am having a little vent on my blog. I'm trusting that you can relate.

Although it sounds like we are having a bad week, it is actually going a lot better than last week. Ellie's school book came in and she is doing really well with her vowels. We have had various things going on so there have been a few good outings for us all and some adult conversations for me, which is my sanity.

As exhausting as they are, they are so stinkin' cute.

We were driving in the car one morning this week, and there was some fog. Luke asks, "Why is it fuzzy outside, mama?"

Andrew has learned to say "mommy", and does he ever say it. Over and over at the top of his lungs sometimes. Can you believe he is still not walking? (Ellie didn't walk until she was 16 months) He is so very, very close. I think his thing is he doesn't really try to walk slowly. If I take his hand, he takes off, and then I let go and he just tumbles to the ground. He is definitely more active and mobile and has finally discovered our stairs. Honestly, I can't believe it has taken so long. The other morning I heard Ellie and Luke cheering for him "Good job, Andrew, you can do it" They love to cheer for him and he loves to hear it! I'm thinking he is taking a few steps, but I come out of my bedroom to see him at the very top of our (hardwood) stairs. I quickly explained to Ellie and Luke they can not encourage this.

Ellie has lost her bottom tooth (not sure where or when) and her other one is loose. She is about to be missing her four front teeth. (Her top two got knocked out on two different occasions) She won't be crunching into any apples for awhile.

So, that is it for now. Thanks for hangin' around until the end of this post. Hope to have some pictures for you next time.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I was right, the last few days have gotten rather long.  I was beginning to see a lot of this.  You know, kids still in their pajamas way after breakfast, "I'm hungry", "I'm bored".  And way too much stuff was being pulled out of cabinets.  And really, I don't have a problem with that when it's for a day or so.  But after two straight days, I thought we could use something just a little different.
BTW:  We're going through a bit of weaning from the TV.  I refuse for us to sit around all summer and stare at a box.  So...we went to the library on Tues. and I have literally had to make them sit down and listen to me read.  They do not like it.  When I tell them we are going to read a book, you would think I just told them we are going to clean toilets.  Sad, I know.  I think we will get there, it just might take some time. 
So we loaded up babies, doggies, little ponies, etc. and everyone's strollers and headed to the walking trail near our house.  It was a good outing for everyone.  Besides, we better do it now, the dog days of summer will be upon us in no time.

We were moving right along for about 30 seconds before Ellie saw some weeds flowers she just could not resist. 

This girl LOVES flowers.  I think she gets it from my mom.  Who has had the most gorgeous peonies at her house.  And honestly, I can't blame her for loving those.  They are luscious.  But the weeds, not so much.

So I think Ellie takes after me in the athletic department.  It wasn't long before she was lagging behind.  Luke was more compassionate than I was.  (That isn't saying much-compassion isn't exactly one of my strengths.)  He was saying things like, "Ellie, I will wait on you because you are my friend.  It's okay, don't be sad."  He breaks my heart on a daily basis.
Towards the end of the walk, I folded up one of the strollers and put it in the back of mine.  The other one we left at the beginning of the loop and I promised Ellie we would get it on the way back around.  She was hesitant thinking someone would take it.  I promised her no one was coming after a pretend doll stroller- that and the fact that there was no one else on the trail convinced her it would be safe.  Notice how Luke has ended up carrying both the "babies".  He reminds me of the patient husband on a shopping trip carrying all of the bags while the wife shops. 
Yes, we are having to make some adjustments around here.  And I will be honest, at this point it is a tad bit overwhelming to think of them being home every single day.  Not just for the summer, but for the year(s)? to come as we have made the decision to homeschool.  But I know the Lord will give grace on a daily basis and still feel very confident that God has led us to this decision for our family.

As soon as I finish this post, I will move on over to Amazon and order this book. 
Ellie and Luke know that I will be their teacher now.  Ellie keeps asking very eagerly, "When are we going to start school?"  I'm not sure what she has in mind, but having to sit and listen to books being read to her isn't it.  Luke also chimes in, "You are our teacher now, aren't you going to teach us?"  I'm sorry, I'd hoped I was doing a lot of that on a regular basis.  How can a 3 and 5 year old be so intimidating?

Monday, May 17, 2010

An Unforgettable Wedding Weekend

I'm sitting at my mother's house right now.  Steven took Ellie and Luke to Huntsville to pick up Andrew's one year portraits.  Andrew is asleep upstairs.  I just got back from the doctor a little while ago.  I have an ear infection and a sinus infection and I am feeling every bit of it.  I might have done it to myself.  I started catching a cold Thursday night, but was not about to miss the wedding weekend of a childhood friend.  Beth Bratton got married on Saturday.  Steven performed the ceremony and therefore we were included on Friday night for the rehearsal dinner as well.  I will steal a few pictures from my mom, because trust me, you want to see this.  It was UN-believable.  Unlike anything I have ever been to.  (You may have seen a lot of these if you also check out my mom's blog--she pretty much did a documentary of the entire weekend.)

This is my dear friend, Esther.  She is the sister-in-law of the bride.  And 6 months pregnant.  Hard to believe, right?  She is having a baby girl, Charlotte Frances.  


About halfway during the dinner, Steven left to go to the bathroom.  Shortly after, I received a text on my phone from him.  It said:  I am locked in the bathroom.  I promise.  I had to go find someone to let him out.  Hilarious.  

Now the wedding day.
An artist who painted the ceremony.  Yes, painted a picture of the ceremony.  Like, during the ceremony.  Just whipped it up.  And you can see, it was beautiful.

The wedding was at Gorham's Bluff in Pisgah, Alabama.  Gorgeous.

The cake.  And the bride in the background.  At this point she was still wearing her first dress.  She changed into a second one for dancing.

It was incredible, to say the least.  I did not feel incredible, though, and it was very frustrating and disappointing.  I had a huge pile of huge tissues at my table.  Classy.  

Anyway, it was worth it.  

This will be the first week having Ellie and Luke home from school.  I'm hoping we can get into a little routine of some sort.  Otherwise, the days could get really long.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Some of My Favorites

I have a book of quotes that I received as a gift when Ellie was born.  These are some of my favorites...

"They always looked back before turning the corner, for their mother was always at the window to nod and smile, and wave her hand at them.  Somehow it seemed as if they couldn't have got through the day without that, for whatever their mood might be, the last glimpse of that motherly face was sure to affect them like sunshine."  Louisa May Alcott from Little Women

The hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.

All women become like their mothers.  That is their tragedy.  No man does.  That's his.
The Importance of Being Earnest 

Making the decision to have a child-it's momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

So thankful for my Godly mother, and mother-in-law.  And beyond thankful that God has allowed me to become a mother myself.  It is the greatest joy.  Yet today, the thing I want most for Mother's Day is a night to myself.  Ironic, huh??  Normal I think for this season of life.  Happy Mother's Day!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

No Chicken for Awhile

I was reminded on Monday of the truth in the verse that is on my blog header.  "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth."  Proverbs 27:1 

Steven took Ellie and Luke with him to pick up Diana from her mom's and bring her here.  I had Andrew and we were running errands.  Before they left town, we went to McDonald's (as we often do on Mondays) and I had a grilled chicken wrap (as I often do), thankfully I was the only one who ate it.  At about 4:00 I started feeling nauseous.  I guessed it was just because I was getting hungry.  I tried eating various things to help my stomach.  Nothing helped.  It only got worse.  I was expecting Steven, Ellie, Luke, and Diana around 7:00.  I was trying to get some last minute things done and by that time Andrew was getting tired.  I decided to go ahead and give him a bath and because the nausea was really bad by this point, I just carried a plastic bag around with me.  I finally lost it right after Andrew's bath.  He was fresh from the bath, and crawling around with no clothes.  Thankfully, Steven walked in.  I was trying to convince him (and me) that it was just something I ate, now that I had thrown up I would be fine.  Not fine.  He suggested I go to my mom's.  I said okay.  I drove his car with a plastic bag in one hand and steered with the other.  I barely made it upstairs before I lost it again and the rest is kind of a blur.  I don't know how many times I threw up before we made it to the hospital, but it felt like about 100.  Well, I guess technically I just threw up a few times, after that there was nothing left to throw up.  And I'm sure you've been there.  When there is nothing to throw up, it just hurts.  Long story short, God was gracious and I was able to get a room at the hospital fast and get an IV in and finally have some relief at around midnight-I'm guessing.  Thank you, Zofran!!!  I remember mom and Steven leaving at 1:30.  I woke up at 3:00 and got up to go to the bathroom, I threw up then and that was the last time.  I was able to go home Tuesday after lunch.  I am still recovering.  It is Thursday and I am still fighting nausea and no energy.  The doctor said my white blood cell count was a little high, meaning some type of infection, meaning probably something I ate (guessing the chicken wrap) and not a virus.  Have you ever had food poisoning?  When will I feel back to normal?  I'm patiently waiting. 

It doesn't really work for moms to get sick like this.  But I am so very grateful for my mom who very quickly stepped up to the plate (as always).  As did Steven and I'm thankful Diana was at our house so she could stay with Ellie and Luke while he was with me at the hospital. 

Ellie was so cute when I got home.  She kept telling me how much she missed me, that she was sorry I was sick, and she would even rub my arm.  Luke was semi-interested, but mainly just wanted me to see his new Buzz Lightyear jacket that Diana got for him.  And of course, Andrew was just Andrew.

Pretty sure I am on the mend now.  Thanks to any of you that have said a prayer for us!  But I am going to remind you to pray some more.  Not for me, but for our country, its leaders, and most importantly the church in America.  Today is the National Day of Prayer.  Please pray that Christians in this country would be broken over the sin in our own lives and the sin of our nation.  That God would protect the freedoms that we still have.  Pray that all believers would have a hunger for the truth that is God's Word.  And we would desire obedience in every single area of our lives.  God doesn't desire just a part of us.  He wants our entire lives and hearts.  I know in my own life I will often, (but not enough) pray that God would make me see my sin as He sees it.  I fear that the church in America is very lukewarm and we as believers should be on our knees desperately asking God to change us!!

"So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth."  Rev. 3:16
BUT praise be to God, who is also full of mercy and compassion!!  "The Lord is gracious and merciful; Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness."  Ps. 145:8 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Peek-a-Boo and a Pet Peeve

My house is a wreck.  Ellie's birthday party was Saturday and we are going through the birthday party loot and trying to absorb it into our house.  Trying to stop eating birthday cake, but it is almost an impossibility  for me.  Love it.  Love it.  

Andrew is NOT helping with the mess.
He loves to play in the pantry and he loves to play peek-a-boo with anything and everything.  Although we've been calling it pee-pie.  (I guess that's how you spell it-don't know that I've ever spelled it before).  That's what my mom says, and my mother-in-law.  We wondered if it's a generational thing.  What do you call it?  Andrew actually calls it, dee-die.

I am going to share a random pet peeve I have.  I thought of it because I didn't handle it so well the other day.  I am often out and about with all three and someone will say, "You sure do have your hands full."  And then someone else will say, "You think this is hard?  Just wait until they're teenagers."  Okay, I can only imagine the challenge that the teenage years will bring.  But, please, please, don't act like these early years are a walk in the park either.  Let's everyone acknowledge that each phase of parenting brings it's own challenges.  Or...just for my encouragement...someone could tell me it does get easier, rather than harder.  Alright, so I had a particularly bad day on Friday.  My patience was thin and I had to apologize to Ellie and Luke several times.  I had run all over town (it felt like) looking for something for a craft project (that I never found).  The kids were tired and I had Andrew on my hip leaving a store.  Sure enough, a lady said as I was leaving, "just wait until they are teenagers."  And I replied (with a half-smile and a little too much sarcasm), "Can they walk?  Because that would be great!"   I think she thought I was joking.  Hopefully.  It was very rude of me and I acknowledge that.  But, seriously, I hear that a lot and it drives me insane.