Sunday, April 11, 2010


I recently had Andrew's one year portrait made, just like I had for Ellie and Luke. They were done by Tammy Miller and you can check out her website here. This is the best picture of all three. She just sent it to me via facebook. We/she called it the money shot because they are all looking directly into the camera and smiling. It is very small, but I still wanted to share. Does anyone know if I can make it any bigger?

There is a very late Easter post below.


Jodie said...

love it!!! That is a money shot, I couldn't manage one single shot with both smiling and looking and I only have 2!

brittney m. klueger said...

What a great picture, Ann! They are adorable!!!

Melissa said...

how precious Ann!!! I know this will go up on your wall~ I can't wait to get pictures made of my girls together. It is a challenge coordinating naps, keeping their clothes clean, and then trying to get them there without having meltdowns isn't it? We will be thankful we did it though years from now when we have the pictures to look back on. Hope you and your sweet family are doing well!

nurseheather said...

turned out great. good for you. i find as they get older it is harder and harder to get a "nice" pic of them together, smiling nice and looking sincere. we get a lot of funny looks and silly faces. congrats to you and your sweet little family