We (as in mainly me) are still walking back and forth from the kitchen to the garage to get out and put up refrigerator items. And that probably won't be changing anytime soon. I am grateful just to have a fridge, is what I remind myself A LOT. Especially at 4 am when I have to walk out in the cold to get the milk for Andrew.
Why have I been going out there at 4 am? Because Andrew has been sleeping terribly!!!! As in there have been a couple of days over the last two weeks that he has taken one 45 min. nap. That is it. Did you hear me? One 45 minute nap. He just turned one. Insane? I think so. At least that is how I've been feeling. I am hoping and praying it is due to some molars and top teeth that will cut through very, very soon. This "teething" has caused some bad nights as well.
What does this have to do with my very good day, you ask? Well, let me tell ya-he took about a 2 hour nap this morning and another one this afternoon. And went to bed before 8:00 tonight. With no struggling. Do you hear the Hallelujah chorus coming from the Barber house?
It was not only a good day, but a good night, because Steven called this afternoon and said he had made arrangements for Sarah to keep the kids and we were going to dinner. {Another Hallelujah Chorus} We went to Carrabba's...and then swung by Starbucks.
As I was giving Ellie an early bath in prep for going out tonight, she asked why we were going and they weren't going too. I told her it was a grown-up time. She asked, "so you can just talk and we won't erupt?" Exactly.
I love, love being with my children. They are my life and my joy. However, sometimes I need a break from conversations such as these:
{In the car on the way home from school yesterday}
Luke: "I can't wait to get home and play with my waver."
Me(he is in the way back, so there is a bit of shouting involved): "What, Luke?"
Luke: Again, "I can't wait to get home and play with my waver."
Ellie: "What's a waver?" (I'm wondering the same thing.)
{I'm pretty sure I asked him at least a few more times, trying to figure out what he is talking about}
Luke(frustrated at this point): "You know, my Cars waver that I use on my face."
Me: "Ohhh, he is talking about his razor." (A pretend razor)
Ellie(In a rude, you don't know what you're talking about, tone of voice): "Luke, it is NOT called a weezer."
Me: "Ellie, please be kind to Luke."
Ellie: "But it is NOT called a weezer."
Me: "He didn't say weezer."
Ellie: "Yes, he did."
Me: "He said waver, which it isn't called a waver either, but no matter what he said, don't make him feel silly."
Luke: "WHAT?"
At this point, my head is spinning and I'm not sure what we're even talking/arguing about anymore and I just want to be quiet and enjoy the rest of the ride home in silence and hopefully not wake up Andrew who has just fallen asleep since he has pretty much not slept all day.
So, we had a night without any "eruptions" or conversations about wavers, weezers, or even razors for that matter. It was nice, but always good to get home...
Have a terrific weekend!!
that conversation was priceless. I can hear them saying it all. Ada asks "why?" and "where?" and "what she say?" ALL THE TIME, so I can relate some to the wishing for silence. I hope Carraba's was fun and yummy.
Oh, Ann, the whole blogpost was so adorable. Thanks for telling all those cute things they say and do.
Love the dialog from the car! (Maybe it's funny to me because I don't have to deal with it all the time--I can't imagine!) :-)
that was a great day!
great post about your every day life!
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