Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Laura Beth. I was tagged by lots of people to do the 25 random things, but just couldn't find the time or mainly the energy to think of 25 things. But this one is specific questions and I think I can handle that.

THE RULES:Step 1: respond and rework—answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.Step 2: tag—eight other untagged people.

Make a list of things you can see without getting up: (I'm at my mom's computer desk-b/c that is the only time I have to get on the computer these days) I can see the menu for the shower she is planning for my cousin. Andrew sleeping in his carseat. Lots of pictures of me, my sisters, our children, our grandparents and other family members. Just to name a few.

Favorite football team: Ummm...let me see...AUBURN TIGERS! Although with small children, I haven't quite been able to pay attention to games (and certainly not go to them) like I wish I could. One day.

What are you wearing now? The same maternity jeans that I have worn almost every other or every day for the past 5 months.

What color is your bedroom? Antique White (Sherwin-Williams) I had to pick it in like one day because the painter wanted to know ASAP. Fortunately, I really love it.

What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading? Steven is reading through Exodus and wants us to do it together, so I have read 2 chapters. I told him it might take me awhile to get through it. (Sadly, not a lot of quiet time these days-right when I so desperately need it!)

Do you nap a lot? Haha!

Who was the last person you hugged? My sweet Luke before I put him down for a nap.

What’s your current obsession/addiction? Because it is a need-trying to get Andrew on a pretty good schedule/and fall asleep on his own. Because I love it-and it has been my obsession since it started about 4 years ago? LOST!!

What was the last thing you said aloud? (Talking to my sister Kate, on the phone) "Alright, see ya later!" (Or bye, or something like that)

What Web sites do you always visit when you go online? Facebook, various blogs, hotmail, couponmom

What was the last thing you bought? Double cheeseburger and fries from McDonalds (I might be wearing my maternity jeans a little while longer)

What are you listening to right now? Andrew's breathing, squeaks, and a little snoring

What is something you wish you could do more? Right now, cook! I haven't done it in awhile and am really starting to miss it.

What gives you hope? A fresh new day. And of course, Christ is our only hope!

What is your favorite weather, and why? Fall because of the colors, the crispness in the air. Spring might be, but I have seasonal allergies very badly and I don't enjoy the tornado season, either.

What time do you usually get up? I get up for the day at about 7 (if I'm lucky). But I also get up at about 12 and 4 to feed Andrew!!

What is your most challenging goal right now? To get through the dinner/bathtime/fussy baby hours that start at around 5 and go until bedtime!!

Say something to the person who tagged you: I love you, LB! I'm so glad we're doing the mom thing together! Wish you were a little closer, but it's much better than Albuquerque!

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Well, right now, I really like our new house, so it would be pretty incredible if it was paid for and fully furnished!

Favorite vacation spot? Destin (more specifically, all those little places past Seaside) And let me just say that as a girl who has gone to the beach every summer since I can remember, I am about to die because I haven't been in about two years.

What is your favorite children’s book? The Jesus Storybook Bible (Excellent!! Great for adults, too)

Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you: If I am really, insanely, hungry, I really don't know if there is much I could resist.

Have you ever met anyone famous? No, and like Laura Beth, I would love to!! I actually wouldn't want to meet them, just see them, because I really don't know what I would say.

If you could have any job in the world , what would it be? I'm doing it. But...if I am daydreaming, I think it would be so fun to work for a magazine (especially something like Pottery Barn Kids) where you set up the rooms for the magazine photo shoot.

Who is the last person you talked to? Kate

What was the last thing you ate? (This is my new question) I ate a piece of caramel candy that my mother was testing for the shower she is throwing. It was my great aunt Lucille's recipe. My grandmother was one of four girls (like me) and for the shower, my mom and aunt are including a recipe that each one of my great aunts were known for.

I tag: Anyone who would like to do it!!


nurseheather said...

hey girl - i played along, how fun!

Hollen said...

That is great!! :)

Sarah said...

Ann, Right there with you on several of these things:
I'm glad to find out you like Lost, too! We're big fans ourselves!
Also, love the Jesus Storybook Bible. I was just reading it to my children the other day and thinking of posting about one of the first chapters. So deep, yet so simple.
I remember not really "making" dinner for the first 3 months at least. It was grilled cheese or egg burritos or some such thrown together thing for too long!
And our sleep schedule is close, too! Between several night wakers, I'm getting up at least 2-4 times a night. No fun, and I'm looking forward to longer stretches, too! Hope you can get your guy to work with you!
I'm glad you took the time to do this questionaire. I learned some more things about you I didn't know!